I’d had a tip-off that the neighbours of Calle Carlos Arniches had taken lockdown solidarity to knew heights, so I decided to take a short stroll to see if it was true.
Stood at the top of the street, I felt like I was in a fairytale. Across every building on the street, neighbours had attached homemade bunting, made of coloured paper, balloons, magazines and cloth, to their opposing neighbours’ balconies.
We throw something attached to a piece of string, like a bottle, to our neighbours and, from there, we can begin.”
… said one of the neighbours. I walked down the street, slowly capturing the colourful paper decorations fluttering in the wind, thinking that during the most difficult moment in the world’s living memory, there’s nowhere I’d rather be that right here, in Madrid.
Solidarity street bunting on Calle Carlos Arniches in the heart of El Rastro is a spectacular sight and one we might all be able to see freely from this Saturday, when Spain’s restrictions are eased slightly to allow us to go out for short walks!
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