Let’s talk

“Soy Tribulete 7”: Un documental en proceso, lanza una campaña de crowdfunding

Por Leah Pattem y Elisa González, ambas vecinas de Lavapiés Han vendido tu casa a un fondo buitre que, de repente, quiere echarte. ¿Qué harías tú? Las vecinas de Tribulete 7 emprenden un camino de resistencia que las llevará a convertirse en un símbolo de lucha por el derecho a la vivienda en el barrio.  El documental muestra cómo se han ganado el apoyo de todo el barrio, resisitiendo de una manera inspiradora y nunca vista antes.  Concierto y protesta frente a la calle Tribulete 7, Lavapiés En febrero de este año, los inquilinos de la calle Tribulete 7 recibieron una carta en la que se les comunicaba que su edificio estaba a punto de ser vendido a un fondo buitre. En cuanto Eli y yo nos enteramos de la noticia, cogimos nuestras cámaras y nos dirigimos directamente al bloque donde más de 100 de nuestras vecinas se enfrentaban al...

‘Soy Tribulete 7’: Brand-new documentary in-the-making launches crowdfunding campaign

Lea la versión española de este artículo By Leah Pattem and Elisa González, both neighbours of Lavapiés Your home has been sold to a vulture fund who suddenly wants you out. What would you do?  This uplifting film follows the tenants of Tribulete 7 as they come together to fight back in ways never seen before in Madrid and, in the process, win the support of the entire neighbourhood of Lavapiés. Concert and protest in front of Calle Tribulete 7, Lavapiés In February this year, tenants of Calle Tribulete 7 received a letter telling them that their building was about to be sold to a vulture fund. The moment Eli and I heard the news, we picked up our cameras and headed straight to the block where over 100 of our neighbours were suddenly facing eviction.  For our upcoming documentary, we’ve been working closely with a group of tenants from...

My Storytellers of the Future Class of 2024

Bringing all of these brilliant and inspiring minds together was one of the absolute highlights of my year! We had an absolute blast and I feel so lucky to now know every single one of these amazing people.

The police in Lavapiés are not here to protect us

On Good Friday morning in Lavapiés, two young black men were filmed by a passerby being violently forced to the ground by police officers. One officer placed a man in a chokehold position while another officer beat his lower back until he was flat on the ground.

The Violence of Gentrification: a talk by Leah Pattem

Throughout November and December, I will explain with first-hand experience how and why Lavapiés has intentionally been targeted by the authorities. I take a critical view on the previously held perception that gentrification is slow, passive, and inevitable, which I firmly believe it is not.

The Melilla Massacre one year on

As of today, 70 people are still missing, 22 remain in the Nador morgue and at least 37 were killed. Even though the Guardia Civil claimed to have had blood-soaked uniforms during the incident, none of them were harmed.