I don’t use the word cool very often, but having your photographs turned into hand-drawn works of art? Now that’s cool. Welcome to my first ever art collection of local artists’ paintings and illustrations inspired by my very own photographs of Madrid.
Lucia Corrochano @luciacorrochano
Calle Buenavista by Lucia Corrochano
Calle Buenavista by Leah
Solidarity bunting on Calle Carlos Arniches by Lucia Corrochano
Solidarity bunting on Calle Carlos Arniches by Leah
Alicia Posada @aliciaposada_
The Rastro Suitcase Shop by Alicia Posada
The Rastro suitcase shop by Leah
Águeda Bermejo Melón @destrozacaras
Bar El Jamón by Águeda Bermejo Melón
Bar El Jamón, by Leah
Cafetería Fátima by Águeda Bermejo Melón
Cafetería Fátima, by Leah
Bar Santurce, by Águeda Bermejo Melón
Bar Santurce, by Leah
Bar Ruano, by Águeda Bermejo Melón
Bar Ruano, by Leah
Bar El Palentino, by Águeda Bermejo Melón
Bar El Palentino, by Leah
Águeda was inspired by my collection of 100 of Madrid’s No Frills Bars, and she continues to pick her favourites for illustration.
Cristina Romano @lailandi.lailandi
Bar El Palentino, by Cristina Romano
Bar El Palentino by Leah
Inma Álvarez @vayacuadrochica
The Malasaña Balcony Forest, by Inma Álvarez
The Malasaña Balcony Forest, by Leah
Moriah Costa @illustratedlifeofmyrh
Also inspired by my collection of 100 of Madrid’s No Frills Bars, Moriah has created five lovely marker-pen drawings and counting…
The Industrial Estate Bar (no name) by Moriah Costa
Bar El Palentino, by Moriah Costa
Cafetería Fátima, by Moriah Costa
Paula Alcalde Vergel @palver
Bar Rafa, by Paula Alcade Vergel
John Fulginiti @ceci_nest_pas_une_juul
Calle Toledo, view from Plaza Mayor, by John Fulginiti
Calle Toledo, by Leah
Desirée Cavanillas Arias @desiree_cavanillas
Want to see these works of art in a real-life exhibition? I’m looking for a venue! If you know of one, or indeed have one, please get in touch via hola@madridnofrills.com with subject ‘venue’. Thank you!
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