Do you believe that migrants already living in Spain should be allowed to work, pay their taxes, access healthcare and state education? Then be a part of the Spain-wide 500,000-strong signature Campaign to regularise 500,000 migrants including 150,000 children.
Between now and 23 September, Regularización Ya and associated organisations need half a million signatures, and you can help. But note: you must sign in person and can only do so if you’re a Spanish citizen and are at least 18.

Where do I sign?
On Saturday 19 February, there was a mass collection of signatures in 30 Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, Malaga, Huelva, Algeciras, Zaragoza, Valencia and more.

Obtaining half a million signatures is only the first part of the challenge: once the initiative reaches Congress, there needs to be sufficient support from MPs for the proposal to move forwards, and they’re optimistic.
Permanent signature points in Madrid
If you can’t sign today, you can find permanent signature points in independent businesses all over Spain. In Madrid, most are in Lavapiés:

Regularización Ya explained
Regularización Ya is a migrant rights movement that was born in Spring 2020, during Spain’s deepest phase of lockdown when we were forced to stay at home, to pressure the government to fast-track the regularisation of undocumented migrants already living here. Regularización Ya also calls out institutional discrimination and exploitation.
Very often, undocumented migrants’ work situations echo the definition of slavery that we’re more familiar with. Once they arrive into Spain after either jumping the fence, being trafficked by boat or hidden amongst cargo, they’re lured into exploitative work, their passports are confiscated and they’re unable to earn and save enough money to return home.

Some want to stay and wait it out for the two to five years necessary before automatic citizenship, but others who arrived with the same dream are met with another reality and would like to leave. But they can’t, because it costs a lot more to be trafficked back than it does to be trafficked here. And so the vicious cycle of exploitation continues.
With no papers, migrants have no rights, and for as long as they have no rights, they will continue to be exploited. Their slavery will continue to power the EU’s economy, whose long-standing global force is propped up by institutional racism that chooses profit over people.
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