Bar La Muralla: once the most famous bar in Spain

Welcome to Bar La Muralla, a perfect, no-frills gem that does what it says on the window… and quite a bit more.

In 2014, this archetypal no-frills bar in the southern barrio of Madrid, Villaverde, was the protagonist for that year’s Christmas lottery advert. For the month leading up to Christmas that year, all of Spain’s hearts were captured by a community-centred story staged in this no-frills gem…

But, just five years after filming, you would never imagine that this no-frills time-capsule had reached such fame and well, not really fortune, despite what Part 2 of the Christmas lottery story might suggest…

Also, what’s with all that snow?

But then, the staying power of Bar La Muralla all makes sense – it’s stubborn in all the right ways. The terrazzo floor isn’t chipped so they haven’t replaced it, the hand-painted window lettering hasn’t faded so they haven’t wiped it away. The steel bar is still sturdy so they haven’t ripped it out, and their local customers are still trickling in so they haven’t closed down.

It ain’t broke, so don’t fix it. Ever. Welcome to Bar La Muralla, a faded Madrid glory still going strong.

Note: the abuelo. I wonder if he knew he’d make an even better shot sitting right in front of me there…


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